Keeping Atlanta Green

We applaud the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s dedication to sustainable practices, passion for protecting the Chattahoochee River, and enthusiasm for taking responsibility for an invaluable ecological resource. Here at AFFAIRS to REMEMBER, we’re serious about sustainability and incorporate it into all our business practices.

One of the ways we do our part to protect our environment is to volunteer with the Chattahoochee Riverkeepers. We feel especially passionate about this organization because the Chattahoochee River is a vital part of our local environment – it’s Atlanta’s backyard!

We love volunteering our time to help clean up Atlanta’s rivers and we can’t wait to do it again!

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Chattahoochee Riverkeeper is committed to protecting the Chattahoochee River for all who depend on it.

Flowing for 436 miles from a source spring in the Blue Ridge mountains to Lake Seminole at the Florida border, the Chattahoochee River represents an important ecological resource for not only the Southeastern United States, but also the world. At present, the river serves as a source of drinking water for more than five million people and a habitat for countless animal and plant species, many of whom are or at one point were at risk.

CRK’s work has yielded remarkable results. Today, average bacteria levels in the Chattahoochee River are 80% lower than levels measured three decades ago. Since 2010, CRK has collected more than 25,000 water samples, conducted more than 500 investigations of pollution sources, and found and stopped more than 100 sewer spills. The organization has also organized thousands of volunteers to pick up tons of trash every year.

“It’s so rewarding to see an area that was once covered with litter and restore it back to its original, beautiful form,” says Tammy Bates, CRK’s Outings Manager. “If everybody did their part, we could make sure that the Chattahoochee River stays safe for years to come.”

Established in 1994, the nonprofit organization is the 11th licensed program of more than 350 within the international Waterkeeper Alliance. Chattahoochee Riverkeeper has now grown to include more than 10,000 passionate members who support a variety of strategies to protect and preserve the Chattahoochee River, its lakes, and watershed, including water monitoring and testing, education, research, trash cleanups, legal action, advocacy, and more.

Learn more about Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s work or join their work to establish healthy local waterways at